Who would have thought that spreadsheets would have their own day to be celebrated? But here we have it as it lands this weekend, founded in 2010 the 17th October is Spreadsheet Day!
Since 1979 we have had the joy of being able to take mounds of information and organise it into cells on a spreadsheet that are easy to view and understand. Whether it’s for personal use or business needs we’ve all created one at some point in time because they are useful in so many ways.
Spreadsheets have many benefits, including:
- Improving your organisation – When information is organised can clearly set out it is easier to digest and monitor over time.
- Performing calculations – These buttons can save you time manually calculating columns of numbers.
- Preset Functions – In the various tabs overhead buttons such as filters, forecasts and more dynamic equations can aid you in sorting your information.
- Graphs & Visual Aids – By using your spreadsheet information you can create more visual representations of the data that is available to use across Word documents or PowerPoint presentations.
A spreadsheet takes all of your hard work and provides clear and concise information to make it easier for people to understand. Brilliant right, no wonder it’s been such a staple in the business world.
As amazing as the humble spreadsheet can be it it has begun to show some cracks in its capabilities as the technical and digital leaps of the world have only gotten bigger and bigger as years go by.
Here are just a few things to consider:
- The larger your spreadsheet gets the more difficult it becomes to keep track of your information and troubleshoot problems that may arise. For instance, finding that one rogue decimal point that is throwing your financial figures out.
- Things can also get monotonous for the employee updating the sheet on a regular basis, filling out cell after cell of information repeatedly.
- Spreadsheets are vulnerable to error, especially if there are multiple users because there is only one master document and information could be overwritten by mistake.
Spreadsheets have great uses we can all agree, they’re the reason we’re celebrating today, however they can also be a stepping stone to move up to a more reliable, secure and compliant solution. Wheelchair service solutions from CSS can help you on your way to taking the leap to the next level of managing your data and will revolutionise the way your teams work.
No more monotonous data entry, significantly reduced calculation errors and clear trails of user activity at all times. Sounds dreamy right!
Make your dream a reality and get in touch with our Business Development team to find out more about our wheelchair service solution!
E: enquiries@csseurope.co.uk T: 0800 652 0488
Alternatively, visit our wheelchair service software website to find out more: www.tceswheelchair.com