

Request a Demo

Make the assessment process a simple task

When using TCES Wheelchair assessments should always be completed electronically. If an assessment is completed on paper this information must be transferred to TCES for the entire ordering process to be recorded correctly.  The assessment date is recorded and forms part of the 18-week timeline. Post assessment letters can be generated and further assessments can be booked into clinic or as a home visit.

Assessment outcomes will be:

  • Prescription issued
  • Another assessment is arranged
  • Pause/stop 18-week clock
assessment screenshot

Pause/Stop Clock

There are a number of reasons why the 18-week timeline would be paused or stopped:

  • Return to referrer
  • Assessment and adjustment of existing equipment
  • Service user declines offered treatment
  • Service user dies before equipment provided
  • Service user clinically unwell or lacks mental capacity
  • Admission to hospital
  • Did Not Attend (DNA)
  • Service user unavailable
  • Issues outside of wheelchair services control
  • Unsafe home environment
  • Wheelchair voucher/budget

Benefit from...

A simplified assessment process

A paperless way of working

Anytime, anywhere assessment accessibility

Easy selection of pause/stop clock reasons