Demonstrating our commitment to cyber security!
We have successfully upgraded our Cyber Essentials certification to Cyber Essentials Plus thanks to our team of people, in particular our Security and IT Infrastructure Manager, Michael Day. Obtaining this industry standard award involved two external CREST organisations, SEC-1 and DigitalXRAID. SEC-1 helped us prepare for the accreditation whilst DigitalXRAID audited and independently certified us. The rigorous process covered all hardware at datacentre and internally took 9 months to achieve.
Being certified in such a recognised scheme means the appropriate measures of cyber security are in place at CSS, ensuring our organisation is fully protected against future cyber-attacks.
Cyber Essentials Plus also supports our GDPR personal data and privacy of individual data promise, meaning you can always be reassured that any sensitive data that is held or processed through our software platforms is done correctly.
Click here to view our Cyber Essentials Plus certificate.
Coming Soon…ISO 27001!
Following on from Cyber Essentials Plus and our quality management ISO 9001:2015 standard we are currently working towards the information security management standard ISO 27001.